Installing a MSI is fairly straightforward. Here's an example of installing python without any gui prompting to a designated directory.
msiexec /i "python-2.7.9.amd64.msi" /passive TARGETDIR="C:\tools\python2"
But how do I know about the TARGETDIR option I hear you say? Amazingly the msiexec binary can't tell you what parameters (public external properties) the MSI will accept. TARGETDIR
appears to be a standard installshield property, but the MSI can expose others. The
only way I found that doesn't require additional tools was to enumerate the parameters by dropping the MSI onto this piece of VBScript:
Call GetArguments(ArgArray)
If IsArray(ArgArray) then
For Each ArrayElement In ArgArray
Wscript.Echo GetMSIProperties(ArrayElement)
WScript.Echo "Drag and drop MSI-File over the Script"
End if
' ----------------------------------------
Private Function GetMSIProperties(strMSIFile)
Dim oWI : Set oWI = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim oDB : Set oDB = oWI.OpenDatabase(strMSIFile, 2)
Dim oView : Set oView = oDB.OpenView("Select * From Property")
Dim oRecord
Set oRecord = oView.Fetch
If oRecord Is Nothing Then Exit Do
iColumnCount = oRecord.FieldCount
rowData = Empty
delim = " "
For iColumn = 1 To iColumnCount
If iColumn = iColumnCount Then delim = vbLf
rowData = rowData & oRecord.StringData(iColumn) & delim
strMessage = strMessage & rowData
Set oRecord = Nothing
Set oView = Nothing
Set oDB = Nothing
Set oWI = Nothing
GetMSIProperties = strMessage
End Function
' ----------------------------------------
Private Function GetArguments(SourceArray)
Dim iCount : iCount = 0
If wscript.arguments.count > 0 then
ReDim ArgArray(wscript.arguments.count -1)
For Each Argument in wscript.arguments
ArgArray(iCount) = Argument
iCount = iCount +1
iCount = Null
GetArguments = ArgArray
End if
End Function
Which will pop up a GUI window with information about the MSI including the available properties. If you're building MSIs regularly you probably already have the relevant SDK installed and can use
Orca to
inspect the property table.
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