Get installed and auth'd:
gcloud components install kubectl gcloud auth application-default loginCreating a cluster with a specific version:
gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-b gcloud beta container clusters create permissions-test-cluster \ --cluster-version=1.6.1 \ --no-enable-legacy-authorizationUpgrading GKE:
# Get available versions $ gcloud container get-server-config Fetching server config for us-west1-b defaultClusterVersion: 1.5.7 defaultImageType: COS validImageTypes: - COS - CONTAINER_VM validMasterVersions: - 1.6.4 - 1.5.7 validNodeVersions: - 1.6.4 - 1.6.2 - 1.5.7 - 1.5.6 - 1.4.9 $ CLUSTER_NAME="testing" $ CLUSTER_VERSION="1.6.4" # Nodes $ gcloud container clusters upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME --cluster-version=$CLUSTER_VERSION # Master $ gcloud container clusters upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME --master --cluster-version=$CLUSTER_VERSIONList containers in the google-containers project:
gcloud container images list --repository for a given container:
gcloud container images list-tags