I often want to do a sanity check on a parameter that is supposed to be an iterable. The problem is that strings are also iterable, but iterating over the characters in a string is basically never what I want. This will raise if I'm passed a string or something that isn't iterable.
import collections
def CheckForIterable(someparam):
if (isinstance(someparam, basestring) or not isinstance(someparam, collections.Iterable)):
raise ValueError("Expected an iterable, got %s" % str(someparam))
In [50]: CheckForIterable("a")
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 CheckForIterable("a")
in CheckForIterable(someparam)
1 def CheckForIterable(someparam):
2 if (isinstance(someparam, basestring) or not isinstance(someparam, collections.Iterable)):
----> 3 raise ValueError("Expected an iterable, got %s" % str(someparam))
ValueError: Expected an iterable, got a
In [51]: CheckForIterable(["a"])
In [52]: CheckForIterable((1,2))
In [53]: CheckForIterable((1))
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 CheckForIterable((1))
in CheckForIterable(someparam)
1 def CheckForIterable(someparam):
2 if (isinstance(someparam, basestring) or not isinstance(someparam, collections.Iterable)):
----> 3 raise ValueError("Expected an iterable, got %s" % str(someparam))
ValueError: Expected an iterable, got 1