In OS X 10.7 Lion, Apple introduced full disk encryption in the form of FileVault 2. Apple provides a means to recover encrypted disks using 24 character recovery codes like this:
There is a more corporate version that uses asymmetric keys in a similar way to FileVault 1 (see 'Using FileVault Master Keychain'). First, create the FileVaultMaster keychain
$ sudo certtool y c k=/Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain ...0 certificates found ...0 CRLs foundThen add a public/private key pair. The process seems to require that the labels and/or the CN of the certificate begin with the string 'FileVault Recovery Key'.
$ sudo certtool c k=/Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain o=/Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.cer Enter key and certificate label: FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain) Please specify parameters for the key pair you will generate. r RSA d DSA f FEE e ECDSA Select key algorithm by letter: r Valid key sizes for RSA are 512..2048; default is 512 Enter key size in bits or CR for default: 2048 You have selected algorithm RSA, key size 2048 bits. OK (y/anything)? y Enter cert/key usage (s=signing, b=signing AND encrypting, d(derive AND sign): b ...Generating key pair... Please specify the algorithm with which your certificate will be signed. 5 RSA with MD5 s RSA with SHA1 Select signature algorithm by letter: s You have selected algorithm RSA with SHA1. OK (y/anything)? y ...creating certificate... You will now specify the various components of the certificate's Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). An RDN has a number of components, all of which are optional, but at least one of which must be present. Note that if you are creating a certificate for use in an SSL/TLS server, the Common Name component of the RDN must match exactly the host name of the server. This must not be an IP address, but the actual domain name, e.g. Entering a CR for a given RDN component results in no value for that component. Common Name (e.g, : FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain) Country (e.g, US) : Organization (e.g, Apple Computer, Inc.) : Organization Unit (e.g, Apple Data Security) : State/Province (e.g, California) : Email Address (e.g, : You have specified: Common Name : FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain) Is this OK (y/anything)? y Wrote 765 bytes of CSR to /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.cer ..cert stored in Keychain.You can view the contents of the keychain with dump-keychain
$ sudo security dump-keychain /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain keychain: "/Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain" class: 0x00000010 attributes: 0x00000000Copy the keychain somewhere for escrow/backup:=0x00000010 0x00000001 =0x46696C655661756C74205265636F76657279204B6579202863383A32613A31343A34333A30353A33352900 "FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)\000" 0x00000002 = 0x00000003 =0x00000001 0x00000004 =0x00000000 0x00000005 =0x00000000 0x00000006 =0xC2BF20DAFFB583D6D0B61DFB8AB67A09F73CE879 "\302\277 \332\377\265\203\326\320\266\035\373\212\266z\011\367<\350y" 0x00000007 = 0x00000008 =0x7B38373139316361322D306663392D313164342D383439612D3030303530326235323132327D00 "{87191ca2-0fc9-11d4-849a-000502b52122}\000" 0x00000009 =0x0000002A "\000\000\000*" 0x0000000A =0x00000800 0x0000000B =0x00000800 0x0000000C =0x0000000000000000 0x0000000D =0x0000000000000000 0x0000000E =0x00000001 0x0000000F =0x00000001 0x00000010 =0x00000001 0x00000011 =0x00000000 0x00000012 =0x00000000 0x00000013 =0x00000001 0x00000014 =0x00000000 0x00000015 =0x00000001 0x00000016 =0x00000000 0x00000017 =0x00000000 0x00000018 =0x00000000 0x00000019 =0x00000000 0x0000001A =0x00000001 keychain: "/Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain" class: 0x80001000 attributes: "alis" ="FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)" "cenc" =0x00000003 "ctyp" =0x00000001 "hpky" =0xC2BF20DAFFB583D6D0B61DFB8AB67A09F73CE879 "\302\277 \332\377\265\203\326\320\266\035\373\212\266z\011\367<\350y" "issu" =0x30353133303106035504030C2A46696C655661756C74205265636F76657279204B6579202863383A32613A31343A34333A30353A333529 "051301\006\003U\004\003\014*FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)" "labl" ="FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)" "skid" = "snbr" =0x659E5B0A "e\236[\012" "subj" =0x30353133303106035504030C2A46696C655661756C74205265636F76657279204B6579202863383A32613A31343A34333A30353A333529 "051301\006\003U\004\003\014*FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)"
$ cp /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain /Volumes/usbdisk/Delete the private key out of the keychain using the 'Keychain Access' GUI. This must be done, or FileVault2 will refuse to recognise the keychain.
$ sudo /Applications/Utilities/Keychain\\ AccessYou should now see only the public cert:
$ sudo security dump-keychain /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain keychain: "/Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain" class: 0x80001000 attributes: "alis"For recovery you want to be able to mount the encrypted disk. Boot into a lion CD/USB disk/netboot image (you need lion since it has a new version of diskutil with the corestorage commands).="FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)" "cenc" =0x00000003 "ctyp" =0x00000001 "hpky" =0xC2BF20DAFFB583D6D0B61DFB8AB67A09F73CE879 "\302\277 \332\377\265\203\326\320\266\035\373\212\266z\011\367<\350y" "issu" =0x30353133303106035504030C2A46696C655661756C74205265636F76657279204B6579202863383A32613A31343A34333A30353A333529 "051301\006\003U\004\003\014*FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)" "labl" ="FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)" "skid" = "snbr" =0x659E5B0A "e\236[\012" "subj" =0x30353133303106035504030C2A46696C655661756C74205265636F76657279204B6579202863383A32613A31343A34333A30353A333529 "051301\006\003U\004\003\014*FileVault Recovery Key (myhost.mydomain)"
-bash-3.2# diskutil cs list CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found) | +-- Logical Volume Group 0483D899-2A53-4113-B8AA-6F11416AEB4C ========================================================= Name: os Sequence: 1 Free Space: 0 B (0 B) | +-< Physical Volume 6E70D8B2-BBE0-42F9-BBAD-F472882FC6C2 | ---------------------------------------------------- | Index: 0 | Disk: disk0s2 | Status: Online | Size: 108549537792 B (108.5 GB) | +-> Logical Volume Family 7021584E-3C31-46FC-AB8C-DAFFBF660818 ---------------------------------------------------------- Sequence: 8 Encryption Status: Locked Encryption Type: AES-XTS Encryption Context: Present Conversion Status: Complete Has Encrypted Extents: Yes Conversion Direction: -none- | +-> Logical Volume 18878163-252F-49B3-B4BF-D923D30CB797 --------------------------------------------------- Disk: -none- Status: Locked Sequence: 4 Size (Total): 108230766592 B (108.2 GB) Size (Converted): -none- Revertible: Yes (unlock and decryption required) LV Name: os Content Hint: Apple_HFSUnlock the encrypted logical volume:
-bash-3.2# diskutil coreStorage unlockVolume 18878163-252F-49B3-B4BF-D923D30CB797 -recoveryKeyChain /Volumes/usbdisk/FileVaultMaster.keychain Started CoreStorage operation Logical Volume successfully unlocked Logical Volume successfully attached as disk14 Logical Volume successfully mounted as /Volumes/os Core Storage disk: disk14 Finished CoreStorage operation -bash-3.2# ls /Volumes/os/ .DS_Store .Trashes .fseventsd Applications Network Users bin dev home net sbin usr .Spotlight-V100 .file .vol Library System Volumes cores etc mach_kernel private tmp var